Wednesday Ryan, Pastor Tim, Becky, Tracy, Ed, me, and the youth at GS went to Badger Sports Park. Man was that fun! I mini golfed, or as I call mini putt putt with Ryan, Kevin, and Taylor. We had a blast in our group. We just plainly had fun. Ryan got a Holie in One (picture to follow this entry), and me at the last hole won a free round of mini golf. Okay, actually in the beginning I had four tickets for the four of us. You would think when we were getting our golf clubs, that she would have taken all four. Umm no! That would have been way too easy for them to do. But I really am not complaining. At the end. I have 3 free rounds of mini golf. So we can use them next year when we go again.
Also, Wednesday my family from Texas came up for our family reunion on Saturday. Actually it is this whole weekend. Or as my dad says it started the moment they landed. That day they went to lunch in Green Bay, then my dad joined them at my aunt and uncles house that night. Last night was supper at The Stoneyard in Greenville. Their brand spanking new sports bar. They just recently opened like with in the last week. I have to say very good food, I had a fish sandwich and it was big, messy and good. They have Jose Cuervo Mararita's on Tap, pretty cool, and it is smoke free.
So tonight Ryan and I are either going to my grandma's for a camp fire with my family or going out with his co-workers. Who knows. He will tell me around 2:45 what is planned. Tomorrow we are heading up to Bowler, WI for my family reunion. I am looking forward to it. My brother and his wife are coming. He hasn't been up there ever. Since we started going up there for it. So that is cool. This year my dad, my immediate family is in charge of the meat. And we are also in charge of the meat for Christmas which is in our garage also. They rotate between all the siblings every year. Which is nice. So I will have pics from my reunion also. Enjoy the pictures of Ryan!

Ryan sinks a Hole in One Baby!

Picture two of him sinking a Hole in One! This one is better!