Oye! Sorry guys! Life kinda got away on me like it has for everyone else. I am trying now when I have the time, to blog. That is if I keep rememberin to. Everytime I think about it, I try to do it. I mean logging in to blog, but then I forget. I hate this Short Term Memory Loss. It has to do with having 3 transplants. Darn anesthesia (sp?). Not quite sure if I spelled it right.
So to recap the last 3 months. Ummm! Hmm! Were do I begin? Good question. Lets see. Here is a picture of the flowers that I got for my birthday. I predict next year he will get me 2 dozen. Ryan said he wasn't sure if they all would fit in a vase or if I had one big enough. I said I do, and if you get me 2 dozen. Just don't get it with all the greens and baby's breath.
So this is what they look like.

Basically it was just him and I celbrating my birthday. He took me out to eat at Five Corners in Freedom. We were the youngest coupel there. Going to a super club at 5 pm or so. Makes you sure feel young. Except for the bartender. So we ordered tenderloin for 2. Holy crap that steak was HUGE! I ate maybe a quarter of it, if that. Ryan ate the rest. Wow! Mind you we get salad bar, and fresh bread. And with the steak we got our choice of potato. I was stuffed, and so was Ryan. It was $29 for both of us to have steak, choice of potato, salad bar, fresh bread, and soda. So we did the math of what it would cost separtely, okay Ryan did. And we figured this was a deal. It was good also.
I don't remember what else happened in July after that. Now onto August. It was our annual Brewer Game with church. Which I tried my hardest to embarrass my BELOVED! But didn't quite work. Dang it! I tried to burn photos onto a DVD to create a slideshow. For everyone to view on the bus on the way down to Milwaukee. See it was his 30th Birthday. I showed him what it was supposed to look like. So needless to say everyone on the bus sang Happy Birthday to Ryan. His face turned red, and guess who he looked at as the instigator. Not me!! ;) Hahahaha! DUH! Who else would have the gutts to do this to him? I can name a handful of people that would do it, but I can also name some who wouldn't do it. They would think of it, but probably chicken out to do it. Anyways, Brewers pulled out a win. Then we saw Fireworks. Oh and did I forget to mention we got a free bag of peanuts. SWEET!!! Next year, I am bringing food for the ride down, bringing my own ranch for cheese curds, and my own peanuts. Oh and some bottles of water or soda. No more seltzer water for me at games. I had a bottle explosion. Not cool!
The following 2 pictures is our annual shot taken at the stadium. Thank you Gaby for doing this!

Ryan giving a goofy look at Gaby!

Awww! Aren't we cute?
After that, on the following Sunday we celebrated Ryan's birthday with a mini party. He went down the day after the Brewer game to go down to Milwaukee to meet up with his mom and sister. They went to the Museum and took him out to lunch. He came back on Sunday. Then my brother and sister-in-law came by. Gave me my belated birthday card, and gave Ryan his. Oh then my dad gave my sister-in-law hers. We are a slow family on birthday cards. They had to leave, my SIL had surgery, and was really sore. My dad stuck around, then some friends came over. We had a blast. Katie had to buy Ryan a birthday treat. They were going to get him a cake, but there was not one that Ryan would like except for Dora. That is what Katie said. So they got him popsicles with ice cream in the middle. What a sweet girl! I love that munchkin. I love my little toddler friends. They all make me smile and laugh.
I don't quite remember anything else that happened. Now comes September. By this time I have come up with my new career path. Which is child care. My main goal was to open an In-home family daycare. So I registered for my very first class. I am taking 3 classes to get licensed. I only need 2 to be state certified. My main goal now was to work in a center while taking my classes so I have those under my belt, and so I can also get experience in the child care profession. Then if I so choose, I can branch out and do an in-home family daycare in the future.
So now up to date today. I am working for friends of mine and Ryan's. They have 2 children. A 4 year-old and a 3 month old. I love doing this. I go to their house and watch them there. I am am doing this part-time with a minimum of 4 hours a day. I am also charging $4 per hour per child. Is that too steep? I mean they did call me at the last minute. They called me on October 10th and needed me to start October 11th. Yes they called me at the last minute. So I really couldn't think of an hourly rate on the fly. I did tell our friends that down the road if they want me to change my hourly rate. I will lower it to $3 an hour per child. They said okay!
So that is pretty much all that has gone on that I can remember. If anything substantial happens. I promise to let you all know either on here or on facebook. This is thus far all from the peanut gallery for now.
Until next time!