Okay, I have to say time sure does fly by when you last blog. Not much has been going on here though. Same ol' same ol'. So really there is nothing to blog about except that I stumbled accross some new music that I am so enthralled to listen to. And it doesn't hurt that they are Irish. I love Irish music, always have since I can remember. I love also Irish accents. Drives me crazy when I hear it. Another thing that I like are Irishmen in kilts. Yum! ;)
Now the new thing that I stumbled accross is the group of solo singers called Celtic Thunder. They are 6 Irishmen who are talented, handsome, and wear kilts. Okay I am a little more than into them. I am not obbessed, well sorta. ;) Anyway's, they are talented men. Here is a picture of them and I will see if I can find a song of their's for you all to listen to.
So basically with all that is going on in my life, listening to them is keeping my mind free from all troubles. Not stressed anymore! In a way better mood.

Them in kilts!

Obviously not in kilts!
Oh! Here is one thing that is going on healthwise! I am anemic as most of you already know that. So I have been getting Iv iron last week, and this week is dose
#2. Next week is my 3rd and final dose. So this iron stuff is getting to me. It is making my wrist hurt. I mean not badly, just mildly were it feels like I am bruised. My aunt who is a nurse told me that for next week I should tell them to use the vein up by my elbow were they normally draw my blood. So as of right now, I am not sure if the iron is working or not. Not sure how long it will take to notice any change. I guess my lab work will tell. Other than that, nothing much else is going on. I will keep you all posted on the iron thing. This is about it from the peanut gallery!
Questions for those of you who actually read my blog:
1)What do you think about Irish or Celtic music (to me they are the same thing)?
2)What do you think of men in kilts?
3)Do you think these guys are talented or what?
Please don't judge me on this little obssession. I am human and woman who likes guys. I am a woman who likes any man who is easy on the eyes. I can look, but I would never meet these guys or act on anything. They just help me to stop overthinking and getting me back to myself. Which is a nice change. So please answer the questions above either in the comments or in an email to me. Until next time!