Well, hmmm were did I leave off last? Well, here is an update from Thursday until now.
Thursday I helped Melissa re-number some Cabin Fever baskets for Cabin Fever this past weekend. Then I skipped out on bible study with Diane to watch Josh and Krista's kids Jacob and Wyatt. After that I went over to Ryan's to spend some time with him. I wasn't supposed to go over by him, but he was happy for me to come over. I got done earlier than I thought I would. After that I left Ryan's I went to water aerobics to meet a friend who has never been there. We had a blast, and to all our suprise a blast from the past was there. Actually, a blast from the past this past summer at Erb. Yup! Amy taught us water aerobics. It was fun. She was home for Spring Break. Some of you are probably confused why she taught us, normally we have Sara. Well, Sara isn't teaching water aerobics anymore. It was becoming too tough for her with two little one's at home. See is a teacher and with that and having little one's, and teaching us water aerobics. So she was missing her kids bed times. So obviously she is no longer teaching us. Which is okay. We had a good night on her last night, and that was two weeks ago.
Friday, Ryan and I went to The Checkered Flag for a co-workers last day at the warehouse. He is working at the store in Minneaoplis in the lot at that Fleet Farm store. His wife got transferred out there for her job. Our friend that Ryan and I have known from his days in the store came to The Checkered Flag to hang with me, not Ryan ;). Tehehe! It is amazing she started out as friends with Ryan, then it merged into her and I becoming good friends. Which Ryan thinks is awesome. She is a good girl. Just ask Tanya. Tanya thinks she is hilarious and so do Ryan's co-workers. I am trying to get her to come to GNO if she ever can make it.
Saturday I woke up at 6:30 to get ready to go freaking ice fishing with my beloved. I went so he wouldn't go by himself. I was told, by tweedle dumb ;). That the weather conditions were prime for catching fish. Yah right! I prayed that we wouldn't have to go back to the lake the he went to with Ken and Tim, and the one that Tim, Ryan, and our friend Matt went to two weeks prior. I was so happy when I saw a truck that was parked blocking the path to walk back to the lake. I hate walking back to that damn lake. I don't care if I will catch a butt-load of fish, I am so pooped after walking to that lake. Ryan was so cheesed off that they were there. Didn't hear the end of it all day. Blah blah blah! So we went to another lake, not far for me to walk to. Yah! :) Okay, now onto the fishing. Ryan drilled I don't know how many holes. Didn't count. Was going to bring my camera, you know for his scrapbook, well forgot. Anyway's, I planted myself by a hole, and had a hit. Spring went down hard, damn thing was teasing me. I had like 10 hits, then nothing, so moved to another hole. Nothin'! Ryan the same way. So we only had hits, didn't catch a crapping thing. Then he dropped me off at home. I sat for a little bit, changed, went online for a minute or two. Then left to go to Ryan's, he made supper, then we went to my cousin's house to watch his kids. They are so much fun. Picture will be at the bottom of them having fun at a time a while ago when I took pictures.

Ryan and Casey

Sunday was Christian Education hour at 9:15 or 9:30, then church at 10:30, I went home to change, then bought two bouquets of flowers for my cousin Lauren and one for Taylor. Then Ryan and I chilled out on his couch before me made us a quick lunch. Then we went to their dance recital. It was titled "Teacher's Picks." It was at Xavier High School's Auditorium. So fun! I enjoyed it, Ryan not so much. Sorry babe! But you ahve to take one for the team.
FYI: please don't tell him that. I don't need to start WWIII. Like I almost did at Intermission. Wow, pushed the boys buttons a little to far. Don't really know were it came from. I guess that is what happens when two people are tired, and he says something that sets me off. We made up once the recital was over. Trust me! ;) Don't say anything to him. We are passed it. After the recital we went back to his place, hung out ;), slept, and then I left to go home. I think my reason for going off on him was dealing with the loss of my mom. See in church they sang "Amazing Grace" and I couldn't even sing one word. It brought back memories of her funeral. And have been reeling from her loss since Friday of me telling a co-workers of Ryan, wife about my mom. She gave me a mom hug which almost pretty close brought tears to my eyes. And Ryan did notice that I couldn't sing the song at church. He kind of figured out why. He is so observant (sp?). It hits me hard at times. So if I all of a sudden get quiet or down, that is why. I will never be without two coins that I got at her funeral. One from my aunt, and the other from a friend at church with the John 3:16 verse on it. I will show you all both of them when I see you.
Today, I went on the internet and read that my good friend Tanya sent me a message. She told me that her and K would be in town form today until Wednesday. So I called her once I read it, and I came over to her house and what do you know. Peanut freaked out when she saw me. Brings back old memories. She thought Tanya was going to leave. Yah nope. She didn't leave, the three of us left. Then K was fine. We went to Bellvue to pick up her friend Robin and her kids, then Tanya treated us to lunch at Micky D's, then we went to her old school to see everyone. The last time I was there was VBS last year. Man good times, good times. And we toured the new school that is being built. Pretty cool.
Tomorrow, I will be meeting Becky, Mallory, Isaiah, Jen, Kam, Tanya, and K at the mall to hang out before she leaves and goes back to Idaho. Tanya and K haven't met pretty princess yet, ie Mallory, and to catch up with her girls. Can't wait. We will have fun.
Oh, and didn't have to get labs done today or this week. I will get them done next Tuesday when I go down to Madison for my follow-up appointment. Which is okay with me. I don't like being stuck more than once and Madison lab techs would have a hard time pock. So I will be drinking more water this week than I did when I 'supposedly' gave up soda. Yah, that didn't stick. I feel bad giving in to temptation. I couldn't do it. Maybe eventually I will. But I am not drinking as much soda as I used to. Which is good, I am going to the bathroom like I did after transplant. I know TMI. Sorry, I am just happy about that and that it is clear. Which is another thing that I am happy about. I know, "big dork" right? Well, when you don't go to the bathroom much prior a transplant and when you do it is dark yellow. You get excited after a transplant when you go and it is clear. It is also good when you get woken up at night to go. I am easily amused when it comes to my health. Darker colored 'you know' means you are dehydrated. Lite Mt. Dew color or clear, that means you are perfectly hydrated. And it helps to lose weight the more you go as well. You lose all the water weight then.
Okay, enough of the dork talking. :) I am so happy I can pock fun at myself. Talk to you all later.