Well everyone, I am feeling 100 times better than I have been since being in the hospital over Easter. I can walk with no issues, sleep through the night, and not as tired as I was before. So my stint in the hospital was the cause of me getting pneumonia. I proved my kidney doctor's PA (physician's assistant) wrong. hahahahaha! She thought ademently that I had a blod clot in my lungs causing me to breath hard. I told her no it isn't that, I have no pain, and my chest doesn't hurt. I said it has to do with added fluid. I know this since when I got to the dialysis center, my nurse listened to my lungs. She told me that there is crackling back there. So I went off of that.
I went to the ER right from dialysis, but no flashing lights. Thank God! With having a chest X-ray done, the ER PA told me that it was indeed pneumonia. Her and I both said that if it is a blood clot, we will cross that bridge if we have to. But her and I weren't sold on the blod clot issue. So I got admitted to the hospital with IV antibiotics. I was in the hospital from Thursday to Sunday afternoon. On Friday I was told that I looked 100 times better, and I felt the same as well. Just wasn't able to get all the rest I needed to recover. Which is what I am doing here at home. This week I am dialing back a little on all I am doing. I am passing myself so I don't over due it.
Oh! While being in the hospital, there is this hospital doctor called a hospitalist. First off, before I go off about her. I will tell you that I had a chest x-ray, and CT scan of my heart (i think). Now with that, the hospitalist thought that since the rate my heart was pumping on the right side was high. (sorry if that is confusing) She thought I had CHF (congestive heart failure). I said no I don't have that. The reason my heart is like this, is because of the added fluid and pneumonia. She was not satisfied with this. She said that since I am immunosuppressed, have lupus, and on dialysis. That she needs to make sure. Whatever!!!!!!!!!!!! That is what I thought. Then that day, on Friday, I was visited by a Pulmonologist and heart doctor. Ugh! Those two doctors and I were on the same page. That all this has to do because of the added fluid I have. And if hitting me hard on Saturday for dialysis doesn't work, then we will cross the bridge dealing with my heart. Well, guess what? Taking off 6.5 kilograms (or 15 lbs) on dialysis of added fluid, worked. My chest X-ray from Thursday to Saturday improved. So I was right.
Now on discharge I have to have a follow-up appointment with the Heart Institute, eventhough, I don't have anything wrong with my heart. But like my dad and Ryan said. Do this just to make them happy and to shut them up.
Now with that dealing with the doctors, I was also at my wits end with the people in the kitchen. I was ordering food, and I always order iced tea with my meal. The lady on the other end of the phone told me that I have reached my max with iced tea. I was like "what?" I know I am over my fluid restriction. So what the french toast? The lady proceeded to tell me that iced tea is high in potassium. I was like no it isn't. I only have lipton or normal flavor tea. That is all. So I only got one glass instead of two. Ugh! I still don't get it. I wasn't able to ask my dietian today at dialysis. So hopefully I can ask her on Thursday.
Right now with being home I am doing good, taking it easy, and getting a good night's sleep. I just have to take 2 pill antibiotics. All is better though. I am off my soap box. I will talk to you all later!
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