I can't believe it has been over a year since my last blog post. ALOT has happened. Well, one major thing has happened!

This is what happened to me July 20th, the day before my birthday. He totally shocked me. The day before, July 19th, my cousin Lauren and I were at his place to watch a movie. Her and I were talking that he told a timeline of when he will propose to our good friend Katie Pena. She told me that she wants to go fishing with him to get his timeline as well. Well, Saturday when I came to his place from dialysis I told him all about what Lauren and I were talking about. He looked at me and said, "How about this for a timeline?" Holding the ring in his hand. I looked at it, did a touble take. Looked at him and said "Are you serious?". He said yes I am serious. "Will you marry me?" I said yes of course. He put it on, and then I couldn't stop shaking for like an hour or so. I was flying high. Still am. Can't believe he asked me to be his wife.
Now I since the beginning of November, I have been looking at dresses. For me and for my girls. Well I found both. Mainly I found my dress, and I can't wait to Say Yes To the Dress. It is so pretty, and the main thing. I feel pretty in that dress. I will knock Ryan's socks off his feet. Or blow him away. I will blow everybody away in that dress. My grandma will be making my veil and the ring pillow for us. Which will make it extra special. Plus she is going to help me with doing the flowers. We are doing fake. I want them to last.
So we have our bridal party picked and asked. Even the mini bride and groom. Mini-bride: Olivia Nysse(our bestman and bridesmaid's daughter, our good friends), and mini-groom: Logan Kling (my god-son, our nephew, and our little buddy). Both of them are super excited to be in our wedding.
Also, when we get married my new niece or nephew will just turn 1. That's right. My sister-in-law is pregnant right now. Found this out after my birthday. So our little family that my dad and mom created is starting to grow. With another son-in-law and a new baby. Exciting times.
That is it for now. It is almost Christmas. Happy times for our family are ahead. Hope you all have a blessed and safe Holiday season. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our family to yours.
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