So our "discussion" was him getting impatient with me with not knowing were we are going. I am like "Hello! Never been here before so we both don't have a clue were we are going." He said, "Well, you should learn how to read a map and not second guess yourself." I said, "I only second guess myself when you get mad at me or raise your voice." Then the whole learning how to read a map came into play yet again. Thank God for cell phones. I called my aunt before we left to make sure we knew were the church was. Before hand that morning or night before I had Mapquested were the hotel was. Thank God I did because the map we had, didn't help at all. Was wrong. I got us there with one little late direction. Got yelled at yet again.
Okay we are checked in, in our hotel room, he is resting, and I am texting my cousin Lauren to see how she is and how the bride is. Then we get ready and leave for the church. My uncle told me how to get there. Well, okay we head out the way he tells me, and then we are at the lights and the road he wants us to stay on veers to the left, and the other goes straight into Eau Claire. I tell Ryan take a left. Then I text my aunt asking her which road to take. Then I tell him to turn around in the Walmart parking lot, oh and it is raining out. My cousin tells we should head toward Eau Claire. That is what I thought. Then at the other light I tell him to turn left again, and going downt he road I think "oh crap! I think we should have gone the other way." I tell this to Ryan. He is livid with me at this point. So I tune him out. We are driving then thank God, the road we needs comes up, turn onto that road. Well, we are on the right road, but we find the church once we are right on the driveway. Then it is too late. Crap! Drive ahead turn around in a driveway, then head to the church. He is so paranoid that we will be late. Umm it is like 3 pm when we got there, the wedding starts at 3:30. I wasn't worried. I was laughing on the inside. I laugh when he gets stuck, or we get lost. Or he gets us lost.
Wedding happened. Little tears shed. Happy times. Reception time we head from our room to the hall. Just have to walk several feet. We get to eat, appetizer type food. But there was a lot of it. Everyone took two small plates. We were all hungry. Ryan especially. He yelled at me for having a soda. One soda. I ask him why he is so pissy with me, he says I am hungry. I said then get more food. And if you want to talk about what we are drinking. I can tell you not to have anymore alcohol if you want to play that game. My mom came out in me on that one. Then he shut his pie hole, got more food, and all was quiet on the western front. Never yelled at me again for drinking soda that night. I was a little miffed at him, but he backed down. Cuz I wasn't. I only took like 8 pictures of the reception. My camera started acting weird. The screen is like tinted dark but the pictures turned out okay. I didn't want to chance it. Plus my family took many pictures. So I can copies that way.
I feel bad for not being home for Father's Day for my dad. I did though find a nice card that spoke about him always being there for me. I hope he liked it. He didn't throw it away. It is still on his table. I also owe him some hand cream that he likes. So that will be his belated Father's Day gift from me and from Ryan as well. I sign his name to all my cards. Birthday and any other cards for my dad, brother, and SIL, also did that when my mom was alive also. Also sign his name to Christmas gifts for them also. He does the same with my name for his family.
Well, I am off to bed. Night all! I will post a funny pic or two of Ryan. And will post one later if one was taken of me and Ryan at the wedding. Not sure.
This is Ryan acting goofy per my request. Then my cousin Missy had to give him bunny ears. They love "trying" to beat Ryan up.
This is one of Missy playing with Ryans hair. She did the same to me. Felt amazing. After this was taken he told her to not mess his hair up. Fun times when her and her sister are around us. I have endless laughter and smiles.
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