Well, were to start. Let's see if I can remember what the heck we all did. Hmmm! Friday, Ryan went fishing. Yes, again! :D I went to my cousin's house and watched his two kids as him and his wife went to a wedding Green Bay. Saturday, we helped out a guy at church at a fishing tournament. We were in Winneconne, the weather was amazing, and all the fishermen did really good. My job at the tournament is to help hang banners, help with the tents, pretty much the light work. Then when the tournament starts my main job is to write down the weight of the big fish, how many fish caught, and total weight of the whole catch. My name is Jodie " Weightmaster" Kling. Everything this time went more smooth than the last time. We were done in record time. We also that night when we got home. We "attempted" to fish at Lutz Park down on the River by the Appleton Yaht Club. We caught crap. I have a couple pictures to show. We also watched Flag of our Fathers. Sunday, I was supposed to go to Bark River with my dad to watch an Off-Road race. Something that I have not been to in about 7 1/2 to 8 years. We have plenty family friends that do race off-road. Well, that didn't happen. I went to church to meet Ryan, and then we hung out the rest of the day. We watched Saving Private Ryan after we ate lunch. Then I went home around 8 and went to bed. Well, that was my weekend. I have some pictures to show you all. Please enjoy!

My second cousin Casey!

My second cousin Riley!

Ryan and Jeremy Gritton fishing!

This is a pic of a momma duck or two and their babies!
Love to all!
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