Now onto my brithday festivities. Saturday as most of you knew Ryan threw me a surprise birthday party at his apartment. I had 4 of my family members there, and also had 7 close friends and 2 toddlers there as well. I was happy that my sister in law came after work, happy to see my bro (I don't see him much as it is), happy my aunt (my second mom) and cousin were there, as well as the friends that could make it. That really made my day.
After that we met Ryan's co-workers at The Stone Toad. First when we got there, we had to kick some a$$ to get the tables we wanted. See Ryan made a reservation for two tables. Well, two tables had a green table cloth on them. And with the name Reserved for Ryan's group at 8pm. Well people were sitting at the other table then we sat at the other table with the freen table cloth. Then some person took the sign off of our table, while we were sitting there and put it on their table. I said to Ryan ummm. Not cool. Made him realize what was going on and he got peeved. So he took the sign back and put it on our table. Then the guy came over and apoligized to us. Whatever! Then Ryan was beyond mad. He went to the bouncer dude and got an extra table for us. They aplogized to us. That's fine. The manager said that the people at the other table said they were a part of our group. Umm not! Had no clue who they were. Then Ryan put the sign on an empty table. We thought all was good. I was starting to calm down and so was everyone else. Then this older couple sits at the table with the sign. They look at the sign and don't move. I was livid. So I walked over there, no I did not cause a scene, I looked pi$$ed at her and grabbed the sign off the table. Then put it down on a table over by the pool tables. I told my friend Jess that I shot her a look, and she said Oh the lady shot you a look also. I don't care. I was like bring it on.
Remember, I am soo much like my mother that it really freaks my dad out. Ryan knows that now. I explained it to him. He knows that I am way slow to anger but once I reach my boiling point. Watch out! My dad knows that. I am firery like her. So anyway's, I was it is my birthday party and I can kick butt if I want. I have back-up there. Right Tracy? ;)
We stayed at The Stone Toad until about 1:30. So that was Saturday. Sunday we just relaxed and did nothing. Monday just a typical day. Yesterday I went to free movie Tuesday with my cousins, and then lunch at TGI Fridays. I relaxed until Ryan got here. Then he took me out to Cinders for my birthday meal. Here are the flowers from last year!

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