On the second day, I played Pharoah. We were talking about the 10 plagues that day. So was him, and had tell Moses no, 9 times. Pretty funny! The kids after a while would say pretty please, and why not. I didn't answer them. I was in character. So they hopped around all around me backing me into the chalkboard at frogs, then they were annoying flies, they turned my water into blood (aka used some red Crystal Lite powder drink mix for that), then I fell asleep and they placed boils on me (red dot stickers), then went and used clothes pins as locusts (but didn't pinch me), and then placed a pillow case over my head for darkness. Oh, then the kicker that kind of hurt. Is they had to throw dead fish at me. So we didn't have fish, but we dry sponges. Well, we drew fish on them, and they were told to throw them close to me. Not at me. Yeah! That didn't work. So I got pelted with dry sponges. Got hit twice in my left boob and it hurt. Then my pinky toe, I was barefoot, got stepped on. Wow I was happy that they got into it. After that, they woke up for the day, and the rest of the week.
It was really fun spending time with Tanya before she goes back to Idaho. I am going to miss her. But I will be helping out Todd with Kathleen. So he isn't alone. I mean Ryan and I will be helping out Todd. I can have the two of them go do something and I can take care of peanut. Well, that is all for now. Enjoy the picture I am going to post from VBS. It is very cute.
Cheeks! My cheeks! Ryan loves this picture!
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