What I am doing today is this. Going to see a movie with some friends, after the movie go to Ryan's spend some time with him (guess I kind of have to since it is our Anniversary ;)), we eat supper, and then we go to my cousin's house to watch their kids. We will be having a low key day. Just like any other Saturday when we babysit. My cousin's kids are fun. We play hide n seek, and I found an awesome hiding spot were it takes them forever to find me. So long that I get bored being in my spot. Then my 4 year or 5 year old escond cousin loves to try to beat up Ryan. She goes after him, then he comes after her, and she hides behind me. And I protect her from Ryan. Her older brother loves to do the same thing. I will post pictures of them. They are all so cute. I will bring my camera tonight as well. Since Casey, the 4 year old loves to take pictures of Ryan. I think she is in love with him. Sort of. Man what is it with little girls falling in love with my boyfriend? I have endless competition. :) Here are the pictures.
Swimming Like Fish
7 years ago
Happy Anniversary to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!
Enjoy your special day!!!
Thank you guys! We didn't do anything special. I mean with having a boyfriend who has a cold and is acting like baby with it. If we would do anything all he would do is complain complain complain. That is my life right now. REalizing 110% that men are real babies when it comes to them being sick with anything. I mean my word. I don't complain that much when I am sick. And I even make Ryan a stupid meal when I am dog sick. Because I am a woman that is why. Stupid nurturing nature.
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