Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Brrr! It's cold outside!

Well, yes it is cold outside. But it is so pretty with the snow. I love this time of year. Seeing the snow gets me in the holiday cheer. I have learned not to let the small things bother me. I mean when getting everything ready at my house for my dad's side to come over on Christmas Day. I don't let family or my second cousin's get to me. I just brush it off. All I do is go in the house, and take a depe breathe. See we have Christmas in our garage which is heated. Very nice. I like having Christmas here for a couple reasons.
1) We don't have to travel anywhere
2) My mom can come home for a couple hours to open gifts with my dad, brother, his fiance, and me.

Coming the week of Christmas I will be busy as all heck. So if I seem a little frazzled when you see me. Just give me some encouraging words. See Christmas Eve the choir sings at the 3 p and 5 p service, go home and eat supper. Very hungry at that time and tired. Then Christmas get house ready and food around for family to arrive at 3p. Day after Christmas, December 26th, we have Christmas at my grandma's house. And then December 27th is my dad's birthday. We have something special to give him that day.

Now back to my topic. It just makes me shutter when I hear the wind. It looks so nice outside with the sun shining. But then I go out and am like I don't think so. Not! Well, that is it for now. Talk to you all later! Hope to be over my cold soon! But feel better than yesterday. Oh, and my labs for this week are still awesome. NO problems everything is going great.

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